Citizenship and Immigration Canada: We're only just getting started

Citizenship and Immigration Canada, which is responsible for immigration, settlement and citizenship in the north American country, has been reflecting the positivity of the last year, stating that “this is just the beginning”.
Historically high numbers of people having been moving to Canada over the past 12 months, and they have been the lucky recipients of a radically improved immigration system, which has undergone significant reforms.
Some of the notable changes include the “Canadian Experience Class”, which seeks to make permanent residence even more accessible to talented skilled workers adept in English or French, and the concerted effort to reduce the extensive backlog for sponsored parents and grandparents.
While these successes are a positive step forward, the government remains ambitious and has stated that while it has been a busy time of change, they “are not done yet”.
“Our government has a plan for a faster, more flexible, responsive and secure immigration system that will better meet Canada’s economic needs while continuing to uphold our humanitarian commitments,” explained Jason Kenney, minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism.
“With our changes, immigrants will see their lives improve, and Canadians will see the economy grow.”
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