Canada launches consultations on immigration

The Canadian government has announced that it has launched a major national consultation programme on issues dealing with immigration.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (CIC’s) parliamentary secretaries Chungsen Leung and Rick Dykstra will be overseeing the sessions, which will be comprised of various stakeholders including the general public.
Central to the discussions is what levels of immigration to Canada will be appropriate over the next few years, as the country moves to a faster, more flexible and organised system.
It is timely as since 2006, Canada has experienced the highest sustained levels of immigration in its entire history, which is changing the shape and identity of the country.
The government acknowledges that foreigners moving to Canada represent an important part of the workforce and are essential to the country’s future prosperity, helping fuel economic growth.
“These consultations present an important opportunity to generate greater public understanding of the difficult decisions involved in managing a global immigration system,” a spokesperson stated.
“There are competing visions and diverging goals for the future of the immigration program, and there are no easy answers. Engaging stakeholders and the broader public is key to CIC’s development of an overall strategy for Canada moving forward.”
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