UK businesses 'not properly covering expat workers'

One of the world’s leading health insurance organisations has found that many UK-based businesses that are sending employees overseas to work are not delivering appropriate healthcare benefits.
The desire to have a truly universal reach is reflective of today’s way of working. In a globalised world, many companies are looking to orientate their objectives to meet the needs of people regardless of geography.
While they may be expanding the number of expat workers they employ, they are failing to produce benefits that are tailored to their new status, Expacare explained.
It was noted that many businesses are failing to appreciate that changes need to be made where expats are concerned. Research conducted by Expacare showed that two fifths of international movers were being given the same benefits as employees in the UK.
“The research has shown that employers are all too often leaving their staff vulnerable when relocating them to work overseas,” highlighted Beverly Cook, managing director of Expacare.
“There seems to be real confusion over policies, with far too many businesses assuming that their employees will be covered if they are located in the EU and that an employee’s travel insurance policy will cover all their health needs, which is rarely the case.”
According to the study, putting in place more relevant and focused policies is not high on the agenda for many organisations, despite the fact that many respondents (32 per cent) saw private medical insurance as being invaluable to employees working internationally.
However, almost the same amount (33 per cent) saw private medical insurance as being something outside of their remit. They saw it as a personal choice, implying that if employees desire such cover, they would have to pay for it themselves.
It will likely become a pressing issue for businesses in the UK. Expacare reported last month how half of all organisations in Britain are of the opinion that overseas expansion is vital to their future successes.
Ms Cook commented at the time that there is “a firm trend for businesses to look beyond their borders in pursuit of growth”.
She said: “It is fantastic that the government is doing all that it can to encourage businesses to look into the opportunities in international markets which will undoubtedly provide a boost to the UK economy.”