The most in-demand jobs in the USA

If you are considering moving to the USA and your chosen occupation is one of those listed below, then you could be in luck. American job website has recently released a report that details the most in-demand staff right now in the American job market.
Accountants and Auditors
At the end of last year a survey carried out by revealed that 77% of respondents in a survey of 2,000 financial industry works said that they would be keen on moving abroad to further their careers. It goes without saying that every business needs an accountant looking after the books, so there will always be a need for workers in this field. According to the report by Bright, accountants make up the largest single slice of the above-average paying jobs in the USA pie.
Technology and data
In early January international recruitment firm Hydrogen reported that demand for professionals with high-end IT and data skills will surge as technology becomes a greater part of everyday life for an increasing number of people worldwide. Hydrogen also reported that people with these skills are likely to move overseas to further their career, with many moving to the USA to take advantage of some of the world’s leading technology companies in ‘silicon valley’ such as Google, Apple and Microsoft.
Software developers
Although there was only a reported 300,000 software developers jobs in the USA in 2012, the report from Bright suggests that this is a job sector that is very fast growing and will be highly rewarding for those that make the grade, with a reported mean annual wage of $102,550 and around 125,250 software developer positions in the ‘computer systems design’ sector alone.
General and Operations Managers
According to the report by Bright, General Managers are also in high demand. Nearly 2 million people in America currently have the title of General or Operations Manager (or a very similar variant), and each gets a reported average yearly wage of $114,850 . The role could be in the private or public sector and the duties are very diverse according to the American Bureau of Labor Statistics, but could include personnel, purchasing, or administrative services.
Cadogan Tate are experts in moving to the USA and have specialist international relocation services and staff in place to help your move even easier. If you are considering moving to the USA you might also be interested in reading our articles on USA customs clearance and Moving to the USA with children.