The FCO announces awards for exceptional Brits abroad

The Diplomatic Service and Overseas New Year 2014 Honours List was announced earlier this month and recognises “exceptional and excellent” achievements by Britons while living overseas in a range of fields such as peace and security, stabilisation and development, community/voluntary work, education, science, and British business.
Amongst the recipients of the award are Rachel Briggs, the Director of Hostage UK who was awarded an OBE for services to hostages and the families of victims kidnapped overseas, as well as Matthew Searle, the Chief Executive of the Lucie Blackman Trust – Missing Abroad who received an MBE for services to British citizens overseas, particularly missing persons.
Elsewhere on the list was BBC cameraman Darren Conway who was awarded an OBE for services to British broadcast journalism and Lately Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy, in Libya – Gill Fraser who received an OBE for services to British interests in Libya.
The Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP said: “I am delighted to see so many people recognised for their outstanding work in promoting our country overseas honoured in the New Year Honours list. Whether it is providing vital assistance to British nationals around the world, building prosperity for Britain or giving much needed community and development support in some of the world’s poorest or most troubled countries, these people have all gone above and beyond for Britain.”
Last year awards went to, amongst others, Iain Lobban (CB Director – Government Communications Headquarters), Professor Raymond Allen (DWEK Professor of Glycobiology, Oxford University) and Alison Shalaby (Chief Executive Officer, Reunite).