The booming job market in UAE

A report by suggests that more than half of employers in UAE are still looking to add to their workforce in 2013. Bayt states that 35% of the companies will definitely be hiring in the next 3 months and 22% will be looking to hire more staff in the next 6 months.
Bayt also reports that the industries that are poised to make an increase in hiring new staff include banking and finance, oil, gas, petrochemicals and construction, with employers most likely to be scouting for candidates with an engineering background and qualifications, or skills in sales and marketing. According to the report the vast majority of the hiring will be done by the multinational private sector companies.
Those companies that will be looking to hire staff in the next 3 months are likely to be adding 10 or more members of staff to their team (67% of the respondents). The top demand is for lower executive positions such as Junior Executive.
The UAE is also the most attractive destination in the Middle East according to the respondents of the survey (4,349 working professionals).
If you are considering moving to UAE or the Middle East as an expat, it is worth reading our previously posted article ‘ Making the first steps towards moving to Saudi Arabia or the middle East’ and getting in touch with Cadogan Tate, just click here.