Switzerland best place to be born in 2013

Switzerland has been revealed to be the best place to be born in 2013, according to a new study from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
The European country was found to excel as a place where families are able to bring up their children in the best possible way, which is something that many international movers have at the back of their minds.
Switzerland rated highly in its ability to offer people a very high standard of life. You have a better chance of becoming wealthy, being fulfilled professionally and enjoying a very healthy lifestyle here than in most places around the world.
The study also showed that Swiss people are also more likely to have faith in public institutions, which is testament to its unique democratic arrangement. This is characterised by a very active electorate who have a big say in major areas of policies.
This is known as direct democracy, which basically means the public are involved in the decision-making process. Referendums at local and national level are common. Though great, it can result in a slow legislative process.
Having a very stable political environment has been a bonus for the country economically. It is generally robust, well-regulated and has a banking system that is popular with investors from all around the world.
Australia was found to be the second best place to be born, followed by Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Canada and Hong Kong.
Germany and the US were tied in 16th place, but the biggest shocker of the analysis by the EIU was the UK’s position – 27th, behind countries like the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Israel.
What is interesting about this study is that a considerable number of the countries in the top ten have relatively small economies compared to the giants of highly industrialised countries like Germany and the US, and emerging economies like China. It is something worth exploring for leaders of these nations – bigger isn’t always better.
If you’re moving to Switzerland, find out how our international removals team can help to arrange packing, storage and transportation on your behalf.