Shanghai to introduce total smoking ban

Shanghai intends to build on its original smoking ban and make it far more comprehensive, it has been announced.
The prohibition on smoking will now extend to cover all public buildings and offices. A partial ban properly came into effect in the city in 2010, but it has been judged to not only be limited in scope but also quite confusing.
It was only applicable in certain places, like hotels, restaurants, bars and hospitals, but seemingly and arbitrarily allowed in certain establishments and venues.
Li Zhongyang, from the Shanghai Health Enhancement Commission, told officials that the wide-reaching ban should be fairly easy to implement, citing a study that was done earlier this year that revealed 90 per cent of residents supported a crackdown on smoking in public.
In introducing a total ban, Shanghai will be setting a new standard in Asia, elevating it among many European cities that have put in place similar schemes.
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