Russia set to reintroduce daylight saving

The idea for Russia to have a permanent summertime is set to be scrapped, despite the reform only being in effect for a year.
In October of 2011, Russia’s citizens were almost alone in Northern Europe in not putting their clocks back an hour to signal daylight saving.
Ex-president Dmitry Medvedev believed it was best for the European country if the nation was constantly in summertime, highlighting that the decision would relieve the stress of changing clocks every half a year or so.
On top of this, the strategy would effectively mean that the streets of Russia would be darker for longer in the morning, but more daylight would be present during the harsh winter evenings.
While this may have been the case, many Russians complained about seeing less daylight now than before the decision came into law and that they were constantly tired.
Vladimir Putin has listened to this widespread public outcry, with those seeking European removal services to relocate to Russia being told that the current president is in the final stages of overturning his predecessor’s controversial reform.
A bill has been drawn up and put forward for proposal, which details the request to turn back clocks by an hour and re-introduce daylight saving to all of Russia.
Another part of the bill details a call to also reverse Medvedev’s decision to reduce the number of time zones in Russia from 11 to nine.
MPs in the European country are confident that they will be able to get the bill approved so that it can go into effect by the time the clocks are due to go back this autumn.
Oleg Kulikov, deputy chairman of the Russian lower house of parliament’s healthcare committee, stated to Ria Novosti that reintroducing daylight saving would make it “comfortable and easier to get up” once the winter comes around in Russia once more.
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