Quebec immigration updates Quebec Skilled Worker Program

Quebec’s department of immigration has announced some changes to the procedure for candidates applying to work in the province that are to come in to effect from August 1 2013.
One of the main changes being made is that the Quebec Skilled Workers Program will now only accept 20,000 applications a year. The QSWP have said that the new cap does not reflect a change in Quebec’s immigration objectives, instead it is focussing on getting the applications processed more quickly.
There will also be an adjusted priority order for application processing, which is as follows:

  • Applications from candidates for the ‘Quebec Experience Program’;
  • Applications from candidates who submit a valid employment offer;
  • Applicants that have obtained points under the factor Area of Training;
  • Any other application submitted by permanent workers.

The QSWP have also placed greater importance on knowledge of the French language, with the minimum level now being ‘advanced intermediate’, this can be demonstrated by means of a standardised test or a minimum of three years of secondary or post-secondary education in French language.
In order to be successful in applying for citizenship applicants moving to Canada will need to score at least 49 points on the QSWP points grid, or 57 points if applying to move to Canada with a wife, husband or partner. The main criteria in the points grid are: education, training, offer of employment, work experience, age, language, and ability to support oneself.
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