Pro-Europe parties win in Dutch elections

Mark Rutte has secured another term in office in a narrow but decisive victory at the elections.
In electing Mark Rutte, leader of the conservative-liberal VVD Party, Dutch voters have shown their support of a pro-Europe government.
Although not necessarily a shock result, it was expected that the existing government, which has enacted tough austerity measures, would have their share of the house cut dramatically.
“We fought this election house by house, street by street, city by city, and I’m proud. Tomorrow I will take the first steps leading to the formation of a cabinet,” Mr Rutte said.
“We won our greatest victory in history and for the second time became the largest party in the Netherlands.”
It was a big blow for eurosceptic parties, especially the far-right Freedom Party, which is led by the controversial figure Geert Wilders.
They saw their vote cut by nearly half, with 15 seats won, down from their previous tally of 24.
It is likely that Mr Rutte will form a coalition with the Labour Party, which came in a close second.
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