'Now is the time' to invest in Bulgarian property

Professionals moving to Bulgaria for work will be pleased to hear that now is a good time to invest in property in the European country, according to Bulgarian Property Experts.
Gemma Tippler, manager at the Bulgarian real estate information provider, explained that after three years of property prices being at an all-time low in the country, the market has picked up so much that it is said to be experiencing a boom.
British expats who are looking to buy property as an investment as well as just a home can therefore benefit from the current buoyancy of this property market, which Bulgarian Property Experts explains is seeing record levels of interest.
“British-renovated houses are flying off the shelves, with clients appreciating the renovation standards and the cheaper prices of buying a home in Bulgaria,” noted Ms Tippler.
“This leaves a new spot in the market for investors to jump in and be able to offer fully-renovated houses, at low prices, with Bulgaria offering some of the lowest labour and material costs in the EU at the moment. Not mentioning that Bulgarian property prices are a great deal cheaper than anywhere else and also can cater for any budget.”
The property expert went on to discuss the benefits of living in Bulgaria, highlighting its aesthetical splendour, typified by the country’s untouched beauty.
With natural lakes, forests and wildlife that are assiduously protected and cared for, British expats will be able to enjoy a country known for its arresting vista.
“We also get the benefit of over 300 days of sunshine a year, with incredible summers and the exceptionally low-cost living,” Ms Tippler added.
With the potential of Bulgaria becoming fully integrated in the EU over the next few years and embracing the Euro, property prices are set to take a leap in the right direction, meaning early investors will be able to reap the rewards.
“So in our eyes, the time to invest in this amazing country is now,” Ms Tippler concluded.