New York Governor: We need $30bn in disaster relief

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has requested $30 billion (approximately £19 billion) in federal disaster relief from the government to help the state recover from the devastation wreaked by Superstorm Sandy.
Speaking to reporters, Mr Cuomo said that the financial aid would be essential in helping New York rebuild infrastructure, public buildings, small businesses and the economy.
He explained that getting New York back on its feet is important for the country as well, as the most populous US state generates a lot of business.
While the efforts to bring an air of normality to the state have been commendable, tens of thousands of homes and businesses are still without power, two weeks after the storm hit New York.
Power firms have struggled to get people connected again, which politicians have attacked.
“I share New Yorkers’ frustration, I understand, we are not happy with the preparations or rate of recovery from the utilities companies,” Mr Cuomo stated last week.
“I promise the people of this state that utilities companies will be held accountable.”
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