New changes are on the horizon for French driving laws that could see many foreign drivers receive fines that they may have otherwise escaped.

Figures recently released in the French press suggest that almost a quarter of all motorists caught by speed cameras are from abroad, however many have been able to get away without paying due to the logistical difficulties in tracking down and contacting the offending driver.
The new EU decree, which has not yet been signed by UK, Ireland or Denmark, could potentially bring in an estimated €15million for the French government. Each participating European country will share vehicle registration information with a central data exchange point to ensure prosecution for driving offences such as speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving through a red light or using a mobile phone while driving.
Until now the only way for a foreign driver to be certain of having to pay a fine would be if they were caught red-handed by the police, rather than a static speed camera. French, Belgian, Swiss and Luxembourg drivers have been forced to pay motoring fines in each country since last July.
When moving to France or Europe, it is vital to know the laws and regulations of the country. If you require any more information on our moving to France service, please click here.