Moving abroad: where’s best for longevity?

With an average life expectancy of 80.54 years for babies born today, Britain has a long way to go to catch up with longer-lived international competitors. Yes, according to the CIA World Factbook, Britain ranks down in 33rd place for longevity of citizens. So, for expats moving abroad from London and elsewhere in the UK, which international destinations will give you the best chance of living to a ripe old age?
Staying local
If you’re looking to stay close to home, the nearby channel island of Guernsey is a good bet. The healthy environment, low levels of pollution and high levels of affluence mean Guernsey residents born today can expect to live nearly two years longer than their UK neighbours.
Guernsey comes in at number 10 overall in the CIA World Factbook ranking with an average age of 82.47 years for babies born today, but if you’re looking to move a bit further afield, you can expect to live longer still.
Eastern Asia
With four countries in this region making the top 10, East Asia offers numerous choices for expats in pursuit of a long and healthy life abroad.
The modern expat favourite, Singapore, comes in at number three overall with a life expectancy at birth of 84.68 years. Like Guernsey, the high levels of wealth in the region are thought to be a factor in local longevity along with a world-class healthcare system and low rates of disease risk factors like smoking and obesity.
However, with a life expectancy of birth of 84.74 years, Japan just pips Singapore in the rankings, coming in second internationally.
Walking and cycling are hugely popular in Japan which, combined with a healthy low fat diet rich in fish and tofu, boost the chances of living a long and healthy life.
In fourth and seventh respectively, Macau and Hong Kong also make the top 10 list.
European longevity
At number nine overall, another favourite expat destination, Switzerland, offers a life expectancy at birth of 82.5 years.
Switzerland is renowned for its strong economy and, despite investing just 2.7% of GDP into it, its similarly strong healthcare system. An often overlooked aspect of longevity, but one that Switzerland consistently ranks well for, is happiness. These factors – happiness, economic prosperity and healthcare – combine to boost Swiss longevity.
Similarly, the low stress levels in the principality of Andorra contribute to the longevity of citizens there. Situated in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and France, this small country also provides plenty of opportunities for exercise and clean, fresh air. The diet, like that of fifth-placed San Marino, generally contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables which also contributes to a long and healthy life.
The winner
However, the country that boasts the longest-lived citizens in Europe, and indeed the world, is the principality of Monaco.
A common theme among many of the countries in the top spots is the affluence of the citizens there and with the highest density of millionaires in the world, Monaco definitely supports that trend. Like Andorra and San Marino, Monaco residents tend also to enjoy a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fresh vegetables, olive oil and seafood.
So, if you’re looking to live a long and healthy life abroad, Monaco may well be your best bet. Residents there can expect to reach 89.52 years of age – a greater age than anywhere else in the world.
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Information correct at time of publication.