Moving abroad? The question is will you want to return

We recently wrote about the report by Mercer that overseas assignments are increasing in 2013, with many international companies posting executives abroad either to fill skills shortages or to offer career progression for employees.
The Mercer report found that the average length of a long term overseas assignment is 3 years. However, whilst the companies posting employees abroad might be expecting their return following the assignment a report by Lloyds TSB International earlier this year found many expats are reluctant to return to the UK.
The Lloyds TSB report found that more than three-quarters of British expats do not plan to return to their native countries, an increase on the 60 per cent admitting the same two years ago.
British expats living in Australia are the least likely to return to the UK, and expats living in France are the most positive about their new standards of living. 74 per cent of the expats surveyed say that they enjoy a better quality of life abroad and only 7 per cent disagree.
This increase in the numbers of expats looking to remain abroad is likely to be due to the uncertainty of the UK economy which was also cited as the most common reason they moved away in the first instance.
However, whilst the availability of jobs and the cost of living play an important role in the decision to move and stay abroad, quality of life is potentially the most decisive factor in where people chose to live.
Cadogan Tate has been entrusted with moving executives of many leading organisations for over 30 years and offer international moving services to most European and international destinations. For further information on the international moving services we provide please click here.
SOURCE – MERCER – Global employee mobility – Short and long-term overseas assignments expected to increase in 2013
Lloyds TSB international – Expats cancel return to Britain