LinkedIn names UAE best for expats

Over the past fifteen years, the UAE has certainly positioned itself as a rising star in the expat universe, and recent research has confirmed that it is now the top destination in the world for expat executives to relocate to.
The study, conducted by professional networking site LinkedIn, analysed the positions added to its member profiles over 2014. The UAE emerged with the highest number of professional entries, gaining 1.89% of its total workforce overall. It was also revealed that executive talent was coming mostly from India, with the UK, Pakistan, the US and Qatar close behind and that the top fields of work for professionals moving to the UAE were found to include the financial, insurance, architectural, engineering, retail and software technology sectors.
As well as proving to be the most attractive destination for expat executives, an article published by Abu Dhabi’s English-language publication The National at the end of last year reported that recruitment firms found this bracket of professionals were staying twice as long in the UAE than figures from 2007 showed. This dramatic change perfectly demonstrates the new attitudes towards living and working in the UAE – the professional UAE workforce can no longer be defined as transient.
The appeal of the UAE
So, why is it that the UAE is reeling in top talent? We took a look at the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey 2014, where the country was rated 26th in the world amongst expats, to answer this question. The data highlighted the fact that the UAE presents an excellent option for career-minded expats who want to take advantage of business opportunities while improving their quality of life.
The benefits that really stood out in the survey included: higher salaries (58% of respondents compared to the global average of 40%); a better car (55% compared to 31%); and better quality accommodation (39% compared to 29%). Of course there is the higher cost of living to contend with, but the higher disposable income which 53% of respondents mentioned (just over the global average) appears to be holding that concern at bay.
However, when it comes to hanging on to all that executive expat talent, there are other factors at play in the UAE other than cold, hard cash. Additional comments in the survey highlighted the pleasant working conditions, enjoyable commute to work and welcoming atmosphere and camaraderie in the workplace. The thriving expat community also means that social opportunities are plentiful, a big help when it comes to settling into a new country; nearly 6 out of 10 respondents stated a belief that the country as a whole is improving for expats, and a whopping 82% are content with the current state of the economy.
Another key finding was that 91% of expats surveyed were aged between 18-54. This demonstrated the appeal of the country was largely focused around those of a working age.
How the other countries rate
The LinkedIn report also noted that Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Australia were attracting top-tier talent while the other end of the spectrum saw India, France and Italy bidding farewell to executives moving away to relocate.
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Information correct at time of publication.