Improved jobs market means it's a great time to move to Italy

There’s something irresistible about Italy. Whether it’s the world of high fashion, the inspirational art, the exquisite cuisine or the undeniable history that sings its siren song loudest, you are not alone if you have considered a move to this beautiful country.
However, expats looking to find employment abroad may have reluctantly put all thoughts of living in Italy to the back of their minds over the past few years, when even the traditionally prosperous northern region of the country found itself affected by the financial crisis. Drastic budget cuts and a serious recession resulted in a rise in unemployment, particularly among the younger generation.
Fortunately, it looks like Italy is on the mend, with a brighter future on the horizon for both the local people and for expats thinking of moving to Italy from London, now might be the time to fulfil their ambitions of setting up a new life on Italy’s shores. English-language Italian news site The Local.It recently announced that Italian unemployment has hit a three-year low, with the National Statistics Office revealing that the number of people out of work had fallen by almost 500,000 year-on-year in November, bringing the unemployment rate to 11.3%. The last time the rate dropped this low was in November 2012, when it was recorded at 11.2%.
Best sectors for working expats
According to expat network InterNations, despite the fact that Italy’s economy was ranked eighth largest in the world and fourth largest in Europe by the IMF and World Bank in 2014 and has long been known as a prominent player in the fields of motor vehicles, chemicals, food, energy and fashion, it is the tourism industry which is one of the most important and crucially, the first that appears to have stabilised. also states opportunities are available in green technology, mechanical engineering and the food and drink sector.
Job-hunting expats with skills that are lacking in Italy will find looking for employment much easier as, quite understandably, Italians are more likely to be offered positions over a foreign worker, if they fulfil the position’s criteria.
Things to be aware of
One of the challenges of working in Italy for expats is the endless amounts of red tape you can find yourself caught up in. You will need to apply for a social security card and register with social security – your employer will do this for you but self-employed expats must ensure they take care of this themselves through the Instituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS). A social security number and health insurance are essential before beginning work in Italy.
In terms of working visas, expats who are citizens of the EU or one of the countries that form part of the Schengen Agreement will not need to apply for a working visa. If you are from a different part of the world, you must contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to apply for a working visa before you arrive in Italy. Additionally, non-EU nationals need to apply for a residence permit in the first eight days of their arrival – this permit can take 120 days to be assessed, but rejection is rare if you have a job ready and waiting.
If you are considering moving to Italy, Cadogan Tate will assist you every step of the way – from your first enquiry to unpacking at your new home, we are here to help and advise you. For more details about Cadogan Tate’s specialist international removals services from London, click here.
Information correct at time of publication.