'Help is at hand' to move your business abroad

Though many people move abroad to enjoy retirement and enjoy some much-needed relaxation – they have earned it, after all – there are those who cannot wait to relocate and decide to take the plunge early by taking their business with them.
It is by no means a simple task, but the rewards for doing so are rich – people will not only enjoy the perks associated with life overseas, but can see their company grow in ways that it may not have done in the UK.
Though a stumbling block for many is the complex process of setting up a company outside of British shores, these fears were recently assuaged by Martin Kirby, a man who, along with his partner Maggie and two children, decided to move abroad in 2001 and has not looked back since.
Martin runs Mother’s Garden, a business that trades authentic Mediterranean olive oil, which he is able to do so from his mountainside farm in Catalonia.
Though it was quite a commitment, he told the Guardian that moving to Spain turned out to be the best decision he ever made, and reassured those considering doing something similar that they will not be on their own during the relocation process, starting with the World Wide Web.
“The internet lets you access a host of routes to books, sites, companies, groups and individuals wanting to help. We are slowly but surely embracing the advantages that can be found out there,” he noted.
While any business needs the foundations of detailed planning that encompasses all possible efficiencies, Mr Kirby said this is doubly true when stepping into a new world, and so learning the language is essential – and there is plenty of help at hand as far as this is concerned.
In practical terms, trading within Europe is relatively straightforward compared to with exporting to another continent, but trading currency can be complicated, so people need to find a reputable, FSA-authorised and regulated company.
“You will need to take into account the exchange rate rollercoaster, but if you can stay afloat in a storm then you know your business is sound. A period of economic uncertainty need not be a bad time to test out your idea,” he explained.
Finally, if people are moving abroad to start a business with a partner – either personal or professional or both – they must share the desire and commitment required.
As Mr Kirby notes: “Lay all the cards on the table and agree not just on the dream, as wonderful as it can be, but on the complex realities you face to achieve it.”
Cadogan Tate is a preeminent moving and storage company that specialises in international shipping.