Germany continues to be a 'model economic force'

Germany is continuing to set the standard in terms of economic vigour, buoyed by a very healthy labour market.
In spite of the ongoing economic uncertainty in the eurozone, the country continues to show positive signs of healthy growth.
So organised is the country’s finances, that it is envisaged Germany will, by 2016, have balanced its budget.
“Public budgets continue to benefit from the sustained positive development of labour and income in Germany,” Thomas Steffen, deputy finance minister, was quoted by Reuters as saying.
“That’s why the federal, state and local governments expect higher tax income this year and in the following years.”
Although it has long been known that Germany’s economic policies are to be admired, Brits looking moving overseas to the country will be confident that the long-term prospects look exceptionally good.
Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, believes that other eurozone members can achieve a similarly balanced picture by sticking to austerity measures, which she argues will reduce damaging deficits and marshal a return to healthy growth.