Finding your dream job and moving to Canada is about to get easier

Expats moving to Canada from the UK have never had much of an uphill challenge when applying for a work visa. In the last few years there have been numerous changes to the various immigration programs set out by the Canadian government in order to welcome skilled workers into the country. In August, the Honourable Jason Kenney, Canada’s Minister of Employment and Social Development, announced a boost of over $3.3 million to the Government’s budget for improving foreign credential recognition so that internationally trained professionals can get jobs in their fields faster.
The funding will support more than 30 programs to help improve the recognition of credentials held by skilled expats moving to Canada, in order to help them find jobs faster. Amongst the programs being improved, are online tools that will enable expats to find out what jobs are available and in-demand, outreach consultation with employers to eliminate existing barriers that could prevent expats moving to Canada from finding work, and working with regulators to speed up the recognition of foreign credentials in in-demand sectors. Amongst the priority occupations are geoscientists, audiologists, speech language pathologists, psychologists and lawyers.
Jason Kenney commented: “Our government’s top priorities are creating jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity. Today’s funding will help new Canadians realise their dream of finding well-paying jobs and providing for their families, while also helping fill shortages in in-demand jobs in the Canadian economy. Our Government will continue to work to streamline the recognition of foreign credentials and help new Canadians find jobs in their fields faster.”
It has been reported that over the next decade there will be approximately one million job openings in the British Columbia region alone. Furthermore, by 2020 newcomers moving to Canada are expected to fill about one-third of those new jobs.
If you are considering moving to Canada from the UK, click here to find out more about Cadogan Tate’s specialist moving to Canada service.
Information correct at time of publication