Expat's guide to working in Canada

Canada has long been a favourite destination for expats seeking employment on new shores and it looks like the country is losing none of its shine. Not only has the robust economy weathered the storm of the global recession but the number of available jobs has increased; the country offers a range of solid opportunities to professional, qualified expats with the right sort of skillset.
The country has a long history of welcoming expats – the government recognises that bringing in skilled workers from abroad is key to the expansion of the economy. In the past, the country has experienced shortages of qualified workers in certain industries and to avoid a recurrence, in January 2015 Canadian Immigration introduced a new system, Express Entry, to manage skilled workers applying to move to Canada. This system will build a profile and assess your education, work experience, English and/or French skills as well as a range of other elements that could lead to success in Canada. Desirable candidates are regularly invited to apply for permanent residency.
Where are the jobs?
Past skilled occupation shortages have included qualified workers from the engineering, financial, IT and medical sectors. You can check your eligibility on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website for free.
Roles are most likely to be found in one of the dominating industries of the Canadian economy. These include: the service industries such as transportation, construction, healthcare, insurance and banking; the manufacturing sector, such as aerospace technology, machinery and cars; and the natural resources industry with its jobs in forestry, mining, energy and agriculture.
If you’re moving to Canada from London, it is advisable to secure a job before making the move as job-hunting once in the country can often prove difficult. Networking is a very important part of the job seeker process and joining a newcomers’ association in your particular province can prove invaluable.
What sort of work permit is needed?
Work permits are essential for expats in Canada, even if they are undertaking unpaid work. A temporary work permit will cover you for a maximum period of four years and typically requires a job offer in writing as well as proof of your suitability for the role – this permit will be valid only for that specific role. If you are hoping to remain in Canada long-term, you need to look at applying for permanent residency. The Citizenship and Immigration Canada website contains more information on work permits, eligibility and requirements.
Worker satisfaction in Canada
It is a fact that expats from the UK should expect to pay a higher rate of taxes. However, according to the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey, expat wages tend to be higher too, due to the strength of the Canadian dollar. In this same survey, the working environment was rated as twelfth by expats on the global charts and results from the World Bank’s 2015 Ease of Doing Business Survey ranked Canada 16th of 189 countries, scoring highly in the categories of starting a business and paying taxes. Canada always hits the top 10 in the annual quality of life surveys and it appears that the Canadian world of work plays an important part in this overall level of satisfaction.
If you are considering moving to Canada, Cadogan Tate will assist you every step of the way – from your first enquiry to unpacking at your new home, we are here to help and advise you. For more details about Cadogan Tate’s specialist international removals services from London, give us a call.
Information correct at time of publication.