Expat community celebrates 6th anniversary and millionth member

The expat network internations.org has celebrated its sixth anniversary and will be hosting parties all round the world to celebrate. The website that encourages networking and discussions amongst expats living away from home was founded in Munich, Germany and offers expats the chance to meet new people face-to-face and on their online forums.
Press officer Ana Chumroo said: “The success of InterNations depends highly on the fact that networking does not only take place behind a computer screen. It happens offline, where new friendships blossom.”
The free events kick off in London on October 15th, followed by parties in Washington DC, Bangkok, Nairobi, Rome, Marrakesh, Luxemburg, Beijing, Johannesburg, Zaragoza and many other top destinations internationally. The top nationalities of the members on the site are America, German, British, Swiss and French.
Elsewhere in the news, it has been reported that there has been a rise in British expats using polo as a platform for networking, thanks to British Polo Day who set up the event to encourage expats to network while promoting premium brands such as Johnnie Walker and Land Rover.
Ed Olver, CEO of British Polo Day, said: “People no longer want to meet in a hotel lobby over a bowl of peanuts to talk business. We are moving into a different age where it’s all about building relationships and trust. British companies have a reputation for integrity and honesty which are qualities we need to promote.”
Olver also added: “There is a massive appetite for British heritage around the world. We have some great institutions, companies and brands which we should be celebrating. I started the business with a laptop in my bedroom a few years ago and now employ 20 people, operate in 12 different countries and deal with 70 individual billionaires.”
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