Canada named best place to raise a family

Canada has been named as the number one destination to bring up children for expats, according to a major new study.
HSBC’s Expat Explorer Survey 2012 ranked the North American country as the best place in the world for expats who are moving overseas with their family and want to ensure that they have a suitable upbringing.
Dean Blackburn, head of HSBC Expat, stated in the report that expat parents have to take into consideration even more than single expats when choosing where they are going to work and live.
The ability to integrate successfully into the local community is, for such professionals, of “paramount importance”, he said.
“Canada scores top in the ‘raising children abroad’ league tables,” he expanded. “The country scores well alongside Australia as a place for active families, with expat parents here reporting their children are more active in sports and playing outdoors since relocation.”
Canada, as well as Australia, was rated highly by expats because it allows them to enjoy a more active and healthy lifestyle, which is something they want their children to be exposed to.
Interestingly, of those polled, two-fifths (40 per cent) said that they were spending more time outdoors since moving to the country. Because the environment and culture is dictated by the great outdoors, this type of lifestyle is easy to adjust to.
Canada was also rated highly by expats for accommodation, with nearly half (48 per cent) commenting that their abode is of a superior standard than in their home country.
The Netherlands came in as the second best place to raise children for expats, followed by Hong Kong, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, America, Saudi Arabia, the UK and Kuwait.
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