Cadogan Tate Supports Team True Spirit in Iron Man Triumph

Team True Spirit, a Help for Heroes backed team of severely injured servicemen took part in one of the most gruelling challenges in endurance racing over the weekend, which consisted of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and a full 26.2 mile marathon, all in the space of 17 hours, in a bid to become an ‘Ironman’.
The inspirational group was formed in 2011 by Mark Airey, then an Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor at Headley Court, the MOD’s rehab facility for severely injured service personnel. Team True Spirit has taken part in the Ironman UK Triathlon in Bolton every year since their debut event in 2011, raising awareness and money for selected charities that help servicemen and their families come to terms with the life changing injuries that they have been through.
The remarkable thing about TTS is that it raises awareness not by focusing on the injury and disability, but more on the remarkable human spirit that can overcome such adversity.
The Ironman race circuit has long been a supporter of inspirational individuals but in 2011 for the first time ever, Ironman UK sanctioned the participation of a team of multiple amputees to compete in an Ironman distance event. The only proviso to this sanction, was that owing to the severity of the injuries and the extreme nature of the event, each disabled competitor was required to have an able-bodied helper compete alongside them to assist at transition points from swim to bike and from bike to run. In some instances, for lower limb amputees, this quite literally meant a supporting team member hoisting them over their shoulders and performing a fireman’s carry for several hundred meters.
Given the strict rules of Ironman race law, competitors are forbidden from receiving assistance from anyone other than fellow competitors. The irony of the ruling was not wasted on the thousands of spectators in 2011, who were left dumbfounded when one of the first non-professional male competitors to complete the swim after the pro line up was in fact Team True Spirit’s Mike Goody. Onlookers, race organizers and fellow elite competitors looked on bemused as Mike dragged himself from the water ahead of the thousands of other able bodied competitors and well ahead of his helper before casually hopping over and strapping on his waiting prosthetic leg that had been left propped against a barrier.
Zach Wright, Cadogan Tate’s Digital Marketing Manager, was present at the 2011 event and felt so inspired by the level of determination of the team, that he made arrangements for Cadogan Tate to become the logistics supplier of Team True Spirit. Speaking of his experience as a spectator at the 2011 race Zach said:
Team True Spirit challenged my own limiting beliefs and showed me that anything is possible with enough grit and determination. The Nation owes them a great debt, not only for their sacrifice in the service of our country but for all they continue to do to inspire.
Zach said of the logistics challenge:
I don’t think I’ve ever felt the responsibility of moving anything so keenly. Unless I had one hundred percent confidence in the company’s capabilities, I could never have approached TTS to offer our logistics support. Too much is riding on this.
Cadogan Tate would like to congratulate Help for Heroes’ Team True Spirit for completing Ironman UK 2014. We’re proud to have provided the team with logistics support. It is not too late to show your support for TTS – to make a donation, please visit the team’s sponsorship page.
Information correct at time of publication