Brits in a win-win situation for European property

British professionals looking to purchase an overseas property in a European country are in a “win-win situation”, an expert has claimed.
Marc Da-Silva, founder of and editorial director at International Estate Agent Today, explained that the decreasing property prices in Europe combined with the increase in value of sterling against the Euro means British expats have never quite had it so good, as far as getting an exceptional deal is concerned.
Mr Da-Silva added that as far as these prices are concerned, the market is in such a position that any developments will be in dwindling values.
“Prices in Spain, Portugal and even France look extremely fragile at the moment and look like they are almost certainly going to fall,” he observed.
“In places like Spain and Portugal – popular destinations – prices are almost certainly going to continue to fall so there is no need to rush.”
This means Brits can take their time in choosing a home in the right location, confident in the knowledge that they can get outstanding value for money and have negotiating power.