Bahrain forms first expat coalition

Bahrain’s Ministry of Social Development has announced that it has created the country’s first ever coalition made up of non-governmental organisations that deliver services to, and work with, expats.
Labelled the Federation of Expat Associations, the aim of the new union is to “facilitate cooperation among civil societies for expatriates to help promote common interests”.
Professionals moving overseas will be pleased to learn that this federation will help them adjust to life in Bahrain, by engaging them in activities, helping them with accommodation and offering support in sorting out healthcare.
“We are pleased with this initiative brought forward by members of our expat community,” a government official commented.
“Bahrain is a very diverse society and expats play an integral part in our development. This federation will help them consolidate their interests to the benefit of all.”
Bahrain is noted for being one of the first Gulf States to have discovered oil, refined it and made a lucrative business out of it. A consequence of this today is an economy that is less dependent on oil, and now geared towards business and financial services.
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