Asian countries dominate in HSBC Expat Explorer survey

It has long been understood that many expats head east for a better quality of life when choosing where to go for their next work placement. This years survey of expats worldwide has revealed that China, Thailand and Singapore all have an impressive level of satisfaction for those moving there from other countries to work. The survey took into account, and ranked countries, by aspects of living abroad such as economics, experience and raising children.
The highest placed country overall was China, followed by Germany and Singapore. China placed well within the top 5 countries for experience and economics, but failed to make the top 5 for raising children abroad. Joining China in the top 5 for economics was Thailand, as well as Switzerland, Qatar and the Cayman Islands.
It was also revealed in the report that Asia is home to the highest earning expats in the world and average expat wage packages are 15% higher than anywhere else in the world $74,000 per annum, compared to $64,000 elsewhere. Furthermore, 76% of expats in Thailand say that they have an increased disposable income, compared to the global average of 49%.
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