Abu Dhabi unveils new Human Development Report

Abu Dhabi has unveiled its first ever Human Development Report, which has assessed the development of the emirate over the last 40 years and put forward recommendations about how it can move forward in its modernisation.
The study, which was revealed at an event attended by government officials from Abu Dhabi and representatives from the United Nations Development Programme, highlighted some of the major transformations that have taken place.
This includes a massive improvement in education, both in terms of quality and quantity. In 1980, for example, there were just 146 public and private schools in the emirate. Today there are 489.
The number of working people in Abu Dhabi has also ushered in change and helped the economy grow exponentially. In 1975, there were approximately 12,000 people working in the country. In 2010, that figure stood at 96,000.
“At the core of Abu Dhabi cultural heritage is a moral commitment to value human life and respect individual freedoms, as best expressed by the ancient tales of early inhabitants of the area,” said Paolo Lembo, UAE United Nations resident coordinator.
“It is this spirit that the first Abu Dhabi Human Development report wishes to celebrate and transmit to the new generation, to firmly anchor the vision of the future on the most noble values of their past.”
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