Cadogan Tate's charitable triathlon

Employees from Cadogan Tate have set themselves the challenge of getting super fit ahead of next year’s Virgin Active London Triathlon and to raise money for charity in the process.
It all started when Emily Jones, assistant coordinator of fine art at Cadogan Tate, and Charlotte Turner, junior fine art coordinator, both of whom like to keep fit, decided they wanted to do something different in 2013.
They had recently finished doing ten-kilometre races over the wet summer and next year’s London triathlon piqued their interest. So they had a browse and noticed that there was a team section, which they reckoned would be a lot more enjoyable experience than doing it exclusively solo.
After all, a triathlon is not something to be taken lightly. You have to admire the gumption of people who take up this particular pursuit, be it professionally, for sporting kicks or to raise money.
When you’re signing up to do a 1,500-metre swim, a 40-kilometre bike ride and a ten-kilometre run, it’s always good to know that you have a group of friends to count on for support when it starts to get gruelling.
All that said, this is a unique triathlon. Cadogan Tate will be participating in the Olympic Relay category, which is an ideal introduction to this multi-stage activity. Basically, participants do one discipline each.
Once they reach the end of their challenge, they pass on the baton to the next team member. It doesn’t make it any less difficult and it remains a highly competitive competition. Who doesn’t want to win?
After what was a beautiful summer for British athletes during the London 2012 Olympic Games, we’re definitely a nation that is a lot more confident when it comes to sports.
“It is good motivation to keep fit which is why the others decided to join in and take part as well,” Emily explains. “I know that raising money for charity is also a big motivation for all of us.”
Two teams have signed up for the event. The Wombles of Wimbledon is made up of Charlotte Turner (team Captain and ten-kilometre runner); Louise Raymond (1500-metre swimmer) and Dan Cook (40-kilometre cyclist). The A Team includes Emily Jones (team captain and tem-kilometre runner), Victoria White (1500-metre swimmer) and Andrew Niemiec (40-kilometre cyclist).
All the money raised from the triathlon by members of staff from the leading fine art moving, storage and shipping company will go towards Trinity Hospice, Clapham Park Branch, which provides palliative care for people in Central and South West London.
“They looked after Louise’s mum in 2010 and the triathlon is actually two days after the anniversary of her death so it fits quite well,” Charlotte says. “We thought it would be good to raise money for a charity that has benefited one of the team members.”
Cadogan Tate is looking to raise as much money as possible, she adds, but a minimum joint total of £1,000 for both teams would be an amazing figure to achieve.
The team have yet to train together, but have been keeping fit and healthy regardless. This will change next year when it gets closer and closer to the event, and Emily knows that they will have to step up their game.
“It’ll give us all a good incentive to get back in the gym after Christmas and New Year, that’s for sure,” she adds. “I think there’s a sense of nervous excitement. It’s ok at the moment but I’m sure as we get closer to the event it may change. Let’s just hope all the training goes to plan.”
The Olympic Relay competition of the Virgin Active London Triathlon takes place on July 27th 2013.
Cadogan Tate is an expert in international shipping, working with professionals moving abroad on solutions to transporting belongings.